A coach is there to facilitate The enhancement of performance, working with athletes to unlock their individual potential and be a catalyst for positive change.

 Coaching is a two way street. It is constantly developing and changing as experience grows, and each fencer has a different relationship with their coach. it’s a partnership that thrives on trust and honest communication.

In your early days I am the teacher. As you become more competitive I become your guide. When you reach a high level, I am your back up. Throughout it all I am your biggest fan, believe in you completely, and am passionate about your journey, whatever you decide that may be.

Coaching beginners

Fun and enriching games based learning either in groups or one to one. Each beginners course will give you the minimum you need to be able to jump on a piste and spar at club and have a general understanding of what you need to do, as well as an introduction into the sport itself and how you can best progress.

Coaching with a high performance goal

This is done through one to one lessons, sparring focus sessions and feedback, competition support and Goal setting guidance.

You do the rest

What I commit to bringing

Willing to learn and engage, ask questions and contribute

Honesty about what you understand, how you are feeling and what you want from your coach

A thirst to be better than you were yesterday

Hold yourself accountable, be honest about your efforts and level of motivation

Understand the reality of sport that there is more to it than the technique and tactics. To be an athlete you need to understand mental toughness, physical fitness and not to get lost in the competitiveness when training.

Understand that you will not be spoon fed all answers, rather than encouraged to find them yourself and to try different ways to get the desired result.

A student centered approach where learning is adapted to best suit you

A culture of care

Respect and Honesty

Equal amount of enthusiasm no matter your experience

Take time to set SMART goals and guide you on how to reach them

Put your welfare first, not results.

Support in all aspects of the sport - competition advice, training plans, life/fencing balance and dealing with exam stress when training.

Advice and guidance to other professionals such as sport psychologist, mindfulness coach, Personal trainer, Physio and/or nutritionist.