Lets get you started

 upcoming beginners courses

Ages 7-12 years

31/3/22 for 5 weeks

Cardiff Academy of Fencing

Venues and clubs


Cardiff Academy of Fencing. CF24 5HF

SOUTH WALES SABRE at cardiff academy

The main bulk of my time at the moment is spent at this fantastic venue, kitted out for the sole purpose of fencing and developing fencers. I had a hand in bringing this center to life, so have a strong tie to the building, and the club that runs within it. Situated in the south of Cardiff, it is easily accessible off the M4 and has the best facilities in Wales. All the top Welsh sabrerus situated in Wales currently train at this venue on a regular basis.

The club runs Monday-Friday, I am available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Cardiff.





another hall in south wales?

If we can book a hall, and I can find you on a map then I will do my best to get to you!

Drop me an email and maybe we can work something out. Please consider that if you want to continue your training, then being able to travel to your local club will be a must.

Any clubs that would like to get me in to run a beginners course for them are also welcome to get in touch.


email me at southwalessabre@gmail.com to arrange your beginners course now

Let me know what type of course you are interested in and where you are based and I will see what I can do for you.